Club ByLaws & Rules

Safety Starts with You

Revised May 8, 2023 - Effective June 17, 2023 at 12:01 a.m.

General Club Rules

  1. Any persons violating the rules and regulations shall be expelled from the grounds and may lose their membership privileges.
  2. Persons who deliberately damage club property shall forfeit their membership, or guest privileges, and shall be held responsible for all damage. The Executive Board shall notify legal authorities when appropriate.
  3. Any member and their guest using either the indoor or outdoor facilities must first sign in at the club house lobby. The Log Book must have the Member Number, Printed Name, Signature, Date and time of arrival. Before departing, the member must complete the log entry denoting the time of departure and any unusual occurrences or damage observed.
  4. Members may bring no more than three (3) guests on the club grounds for the use of the outdoor ranges. The guest(s) shall sign the logbook.
  5. In the absence of Executive Board members or other appointed officials, the senior member on the premises will automatically be the Chief Range Officer and will execute his or her authority to enforce all safety rules.
  6. Loaded firearms shall only be handled at a designated firing line.
  7. Unloaded firearms shall only be handled at a designated safe area or designated firing line.
  8. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  9. Open fires are not allowed on the premises without Executive Board authorization.
  10. Members should ask strangers to show proof of membership. Non-members are only allowed on the premises as guests of members and must be accompanied by that member who is responsible for the actions of the guest. Exception: Boylston Police Officers
  11. Members and guests are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and share the responsibility of maintaining the premises.
  12. When leaving the clubhouse make sure the door is locked.
  13. Members' access device is not to be loaned to anyone.
  14. The ranges may be closed by order of the Executive Officer for scheduled matches, work parties, safety classes, etc.
  15. Members may not conduct any courses or training for a fee or other compensation on club grounds without the express written permission of the Executive Board.
  16. Rules and Regulations are to be reviewed by the Executive Board annually or as required.

General Range Rules These rules apply to all ranges

  1. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded until you have personally assured otherwise.
  2. Muzzles will be pointed downrange or, when in a safe area, in the designated direction at all times.
  3. All shooters must keep fingers off the trigger until ready to shoot.
  4. Check all barrels for obstructions before firing.
  5. Actions are to be kept open except when firing, holstered, or cased.
  6. Shooting is allowed from the firing line only.
  7. Cross range firing is not allowed.
  8. Shooting at buildings, benches, signs, etc. is prohibited and may lead to criminal prosecution.
  9. No vehicles are allowed on any range.
  10. Shotguns are allowed at the Action pit and Rifle range only. Targets and target holder/frames must be supplied by the member. Any shotgun damage to Club target frames may lead to membership suspension, termination and potential criminal prosecution.
  11. Shooting at paper, clay, or steel targets is preferred. Glass, porcelain, aerosol cans, ceramic or exploding targets are prohibited. Rocks as targets constitute a serious danger from fragmentation and ricochet and shall not be used. Clay pigeons and bowling pins as targets are permitted. All targets and target debris must be removed from the range when finished.
  12. No person shall draw a loaded gun from an inside the waistband holster that positions the trigger of the gun forward of the hipbone (between 10 and 2 o'clock) when there are more than three (3) other persons accompanying, or grouped with, the shooter.
  13. Upon hearing “Cease Fire” all shooters will open actions and will not handle firearms until an all clear signal is given or while anyone is forward of the firing line.
  14. Anyone going down range must call “Cease Fire” and wait until all firearms are holstered or unloaded and made safe and grounded or benched (with the action open), boxed, or cased. No guns will be handled while personnel are down range.
  15. Anyone observing an unsafe condition must call “Cease Fire”.
  16. Shooting while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited. “Drugs” includes any substance (legal or illegal) that impairs judgement or actions. Certain prescription and “over the counter” medications affect your ability to shoot safely. If in doubt, consult your physician or pharmacist.
  17. Shooters will remove targets and properly dispose of spent casings before leaving the range. Only BRASS casings shall be placed in the BRASS collection barrels. All other casings shall be disposed in the trash receptacles.
  18. All firearms must be cased or holstered until you are at a designated safe area or a designated firing line, which is not under a Cease Fire condition.
  19. Exceptions require prior approval from the Executive Board.

Indoor Range Rules

  1. The range door MUST be kept closed at all times.
  2. Shooting is allowed on the indoor range at all times, except during matches, work parties, and other approved functions.
  3. Firearms may only be handled at the bench.
  4. Access to the indoor range requires attending indoor range training and live fire safety evaluation.
  5. Use of the following is PROHIBITED:
    • Armor piercing, tracer, and incendiary ammunition
    • Center fire ammunition greater than 500 S&W
    • Allows use of 44 Magnum, 454 Casull and S&W 500 Magnum.
    • All jacketed and hollow point ammunition is allowed.
    • Shotguns and shot shells of any type or caliber including handgun.
    • Center fire rifles (22 rimfire caliber of all types are allowed).
    • Fully automatic firearms
    • 17 caliber
    • BB guns
    • Airsoft guns
    • Paint ball guns
    • Eye and ear protection must be worn by all shooters and spectators during firing.
  6. Paper targets only. Silhouette targets longer than 24” must be at least 40 ft downrange.
  7. Shooting at target carriers, lights, bottles, cans, ceiling, walls, or floor is strictly prohibited.
  8. Shooting from hip is prohibited.
  9. Quick draw & combat shooting are prohibited.
  10. Drawing from a dominant side holster is allowed.
  11. Cross and shoulder draw are prohibited.
  12. Always bring gun up from bench, not from ceiling down. Note: the goal here is to avoid directing any muzzles at the roof.
  13. The firing line shall be the 50-foot mark.
  14. No one shall go forward of the firing line.
  15. There shall be no smoking/vaping anywhere in the clubhouse.
  16. Only one (1) guest for each member is permitted on the property at any time.
  17. Members take precedence over guests. (i.e., if a member and a guest are using two lanes, two other members are using two lanes, and two more members arrive to use the indoor range, the guest shall yield his lane).
  18. Exceptions require prior approval from the Executive Board.

Outdoor Pistol Range Rules

  1. Shooting hours for the outdoor range are:
    • Weekdays & Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to Sunset
    • Sundays & Holidays 12:00 noon to Sunset
    • Holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, U.S. Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
    • The Sunday and Holiday shooting restriction shall not apply to archery
    • No type of exploding arrows shall be used
    • During these hours any or all of the outdoor ranges may be closed for maintenance
  2. Use of the following is PROHIBITED:
    • Rifles (exceptions: 22 rimfire rifles and pistol caliber)
    • Shotguns
    • Tracer or incendiary ammunition
    • Exploding targets, fireworks, or other explosives
    • Cannons, mortars, or destructive devices
    • Paint ball guns
  3. All firing must be directed downrange and within the vertical and horizontal limits of the backstop.
  4. All shooting must be from behind the bench.
  5. All targets MUST be placed directly in front of an impact area (berm).
  6. Climbing on any berms is prohibited.
  7. Eye and ear protection must be worn by all shooters and spectators during firing.
  8. All cartridges, targets and debris must be collected and properly disposed of when done on the range.
  9. Exceptions require prior approval from the Executive Board.

Rifle Range Rules

  1. Shooting hours for the outdoor range are: Weekdays & Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. to Sunset Sundays & Holidays: 12:00 Noon to Sunset
    • Holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, U.S. Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
    • During these hours any or all of the outdoor ranges may be closed for maintenance
    • The Sunday and Holiday shooting restrictions shall not apply to archery
    • No type of exploding arrows shall be used.
  2. Use of the following is PROHIBITED:
    • Tracer or incendiary ammunition
    • Exploding targets, fireworks, or other explosives.
    • Cannons, mortars, or destructive devices.
  3. All firing must be directed downrange and within the vertical and horizontal limits of the backstop.
  4. All shooting must be from the behind the firing line.
  5. The firing line at the outdoor bench at the rifle range is the curb.
  6. The firing line in the rifle range building is the downrange side of the building.
  7. All targets MUST be placed directly in front of an impact area/berm.
  8. Climbing on any berms or the 100-yard impact area is prohibited.
  9. Shooting in the grass is prohibited.
  10. Eye and ear protection must be worn by all shooters and spectators during firing.
  11. All cartridges, targets and debris must be collected and properly disposed of when done on the range. 
  12. Firing of fully automatic firearms requires the following notifications and approval:
    • Any Executive Board member via email prior to the day of the shoot
    • The Boylston Police on the day of the shoot. (508-869-2453)
  13. Exceptions require prior approval from the Executive Board.

Action Pit Rules

  1. Shooting hours for the outdoor range are:
    • Weekdays & Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to Sunset
    • Sundays & Holidays 12:00 noon to Sunset
    • Holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, U.S. Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
    • The Sunday and Holiday shooting restriction shall not apply to archery
    • No type of exploding arrows shall be used
    • During these hours any or all of the outdoor ranges may be closed for maintenance
  2. Use of the following is PROHIBITED:
      • Rifled barrels larger than .58 Calibers. (Does not apply to rifled shotgun barrels)
      • Shotgun barrels larger than 10 gauge.
      • Tracer or incendiary ammunition.
      • Exploding targets, fireworks, or other explosives.
      • Cannons, mortars, or destructive devices.
    • All firing must be directed downrange and within the vertical and horizontal limits of the backstop. Action pit downrange is 170º.
    • All targets MUST be placed directly in front of an impact area (berm)
    • Climbing on any berms is prohibited.
    • Eye and ear protection must be worn by all shooters and spectators during firing.
    • Only one group (member and their guest(s)) are allowed to use the Action Pit at a time
    • Firing of fully automatic firearms requires the following notifications and approval:
    • Any Executive Board member via email prior to the day of the shoot.
    • Any Executive Board member via email prior to the day of the shoot.
    • The Boylston Police on the day of the shoot. (508-869-2453)
    • Exceptions require prior approval from the Executive Board.

    © 2024 Worcester Pistol & Rifle Club, Inc.

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